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Gov’t spending to increase - Makuza

KIGALI - In a bid to meet its goals and targets, the government is set to increase spending over the next seven years by scaling up the national budget mainly through domestic funding and donor support. Addressing the press a day after unveiling the government roadmap, Prime Minister Bernard Makuza said that the country’s budget has been increasing tremendously since 2003 as the government continues to pursue the economic transformation of the country.
Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (L) with Ministers Protais Musoni (C) and Charles Murigande read through the 2010-2017 Government roadmap paper yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)
Prime Minister Bernard Makuza (L) with Ministers Protais Musoni (C) and Charles Murigande read through the 2010-2017 Government roadmap paper yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)
Times Reporter